Tag Archives: back pain natural remedy

9 TipsTo Keep Your Back Pain From Getting Worse

Is your back pain getting worse?  Here are nine tips that can start to help you feel better:

1.  Hold in your stomach muscles (that’s the best and easiest way to strengthen them.)  Just suck them back to your spine.

2.  Lift your chest (this strengthens your back.)

3.  Create a small hollow behind your waist if you don’t have one (you should have one.)

4.  Try to use ALL of Continue reading 9 TipsTo Keep Your Back Pain From Getting Worse


You Have A Really Strong Back That Can Heal Naturally

You have a really, really strong back. Really, you do!

But, sometimes when something happens, like a spasm or a “catch”, you might start to think that your back is frail or fragile. You might think you have to “baby” your back.

When we start to baby our back, or move tentatively, we are setting ourselves up for injury. We start to move stiffly instead of smoothly. And, we are more likely to Continue reading You Have A Really Strong Back That Can Heal Naturally
