Tag Archives: burning pain between spine and scapula

Burning Pain Between Your Spine And Shoulder Blade

Trapezius Muscle Trigger PointsDo you have burning pain on one or both sides of your spine?  Does it look like one of the red pain patterns on the right side of the picture?  It may be the trapezius muscle.  As you see, there is one on each half of your body.

The trapezius muscles can cause pain on the tops of the shoulders, near the spine, on the inner side of the shoulder blade toward the spine and even on the back of your skull!

This picture shows trigger points.  The trigger points are indicated by the X‘s.  Those are the places to apply pressure (approximately) in order to get rid of the red areas.  The red areas indicate painful areas.

If your shoulder pain pattern is approximately where any of the the red is in the picture, applying pressure to the appropriate X may help get rid of the pain between your spine and shoulder blade!

Here are directions Continue reading Burning Pain Between Your Spine And Shoulder Blade
