Tag Archives: heat or ice muscle pain

Ice Or Heat? Which Is Better For Muscle Pain Relief?

Is it better to use heat or cold therapy when you have muscle pain?

Lots of people think heat feels better (me, too!) but most often cold therapy is the best way to get rid of your muscle pain.

However, even though I like heat, I also think ice feels great.  Sometimes it’s a bit uncomfortable but it has such a nice effect!

Note:  Only use cold therapy until you start to feel numbness.  Then it’s time for a break.

Twenty minutes on and off will work.


Natural pain relief is so nice; you don’t have to worry about nasty side effects or anything.

I read that ice may not actually not the very best treatment for inflammation because it slows the body’s healing response.  However, the slowed response was minimal.

(Inflammation is swelling in the tissues.)

Do you remember RICE?  (Rest, ice, compression & elevation.)  Apparently, according to research, the new plan is RCE when there is swelling.

But ice is the treatment of choice for nervy pain and when Continue reading Ice Or Heat? Which Is Better For Muscle Pain Relief?
