Tag Archives: knots in back and shoulder

What Causes Knots In Your Upper Back

“Knots” or muscle spasms in your upper back happen for a reason.  Or, maybe for a few reasons. 🙂

You see, almost all muscular pain happens for a reason or a cause.  It could be something you’re doing or not doing.

If you figure out the cause and  get rid of the cause, you can get rid of the pain!

Most often the reason for upper back muscle spasms and pain is Continue reading What Causes Knots In Your Upper Back


Knots In Your Upper Back Caused By Forward Head Posture

When you learned to walk, your spine did this really neat thing.  It developed curves to help you stand “straight.”

When we say, “Stand up straight,” it really means stand tall; stand with the proper curves in your spine; stand with your head over your body instead of in front of it.

See this fellow sitting with his back rounded?  Sitting, sleeping or working in a position with your back like that will cause you to lose the curve in your lower back.

You are supposed to have a curve behind your waist that creates a small hollow.

When you lose that curve, your head moves forward just like this fellow.

And that forward head posture creates a LOT of strain on the muscles of your upper back.  It can cause headaches, neck aches, lower back pain, upper back pain Continue reading Knots In Your Upper Back Caused By Forward Head Posture


Causes of Shoulder Blade Pain and Back Pain

What causes shoulder blade pain and back tightness and pain?

Here’s an email I received from a healthy young man who always exercised with no health issues other than debilitating back pain.

I used to work a very physical job with a lot of heavy lifting, bending, and twisting for an 8 1/2 hour shift. The job caused soreness, tightness and an aching pain between my shoulder blades and sometimes my lower back would get stiff but Continue reading Causes of Shoulder Blade Pain and Back Pain


Knots In Your Upper Back? What Makes Muscles Turn Into Knots?

What makes your muscles turn into knots in your upper back?  Well, they are not really “knots.”  They are a type of muscle spasm.  Here’s one example.

See this little guy?  His head is way in front of his body.  The dotted line indicates the midline of his body.  The line should be passing through the center of the top of his upper leg bones (instead of behind them.)  It should also pass closer to the opening for his ear.

This kind of posture puts a lot of strain on the muscles of the upper back.  Why?  Because your head is heavy!

Your bones are supposed to support you.  You muscles were designed to help you move.

When your heavy head is in front of your body like this, your muscles are working way too hard. Your muscles are trying to hold your head to keep it from falling even farther forward.

Over time your upper back muscles will become tighter and tighter and you will have more and more discomfort.

They become tighter because they are (1) trying to hold up your head and (2) trying to prevent damage to themselves.  That might seem like a good plan but it really doesn’t work so well.

The end result is the poor posture that you see on people who have muscles that are “too tight” in the front of their body.  Collapsing-forward posture is one of the things that turns muscles into knots.

Want to know how to correct your posture and get rid of the muscle knots in your upper back naturally and forever?  Click:  Knots In Your Back Gone!


How To Get Rid Of Painful Knots In Your Back

Get rid of muscles knots in your back naturally!
Get rid of muscle knots in your back naturally!

Are you suffering from a painful muscle “knot” in your back?

The most common place for these muscle spasms or contractions is between your shoulder blade and spine. They usually occur on the side of your dominant hand (the one you use the most.)

So what causes these painful knots and what can you do to get rid of them?

There are different types of muscle contractions. A “contraction” is a shortening of a muscle. One type is protective. If a muscle is stretched too much, too often, it will Continue reading How To Get Rid Of Painful Knots In Your Back


What Causes Muscle Spasms In Your Shoulder

What causes “knots” or muscle spasms in your upper back and shoulder?

A knot is a contraction or spasm in the muscle.  The most common cause is over-work.  It’s not necessarily YOU doing too much work but you are overworking some of your MUSCLES.

Those muscles get protective.  To protect themselves and prevent injury or ripping, they go into a type of contraction.  There are different types of contractions.

What is a “contraction”?

Make a fist with your hand.  Your hand gets Continue reading What Causes Muscle Spasms In Your Shoulder
