Tag Archives: knots in your shoulders

Natural Relief For Knots In Your Shoulders

Got muscle knots in your shoulders?

You need someone to help you figure out WHY you are getting these muscle spasms in your upper back so you can get rid of them forever.

The answer is not to attack only the area where the muscle knots are because those are just symptoms. The solution is to get to the cause of your pain.

You have to figure out the cause of your knots and get rid of it (or them).

The reason for those miserable muscle spasms in your upper back  could be posture-related.

>>Do you slouch or slump?

>>Or do you always lean into the same corner of the couch?

>>Or does your heavy book bag cause you to lean forward or your purse makes you hike your shoulder?

It definitely is something and that something needs to be changed so you will stop getting these knots.

And did you know that muscles need minerals to function their best?

Do you eat a good diet that supplies lots of vitamins and minerals or do you eat mostly pre-packaged, highly processed foods and fast foods? They cannot supply what your muscles need.

You cannot fool your muscles with fake foods.  Your muscles (and brain and other parts of your body) like REAL food. 🙂

One more thing: The knots in your back may be caused because of tight muscles in the front of your body. Most of the time we humans have our hands and heads in front of our bodies and this shortens the muscles in the fronts of our chests, abdomen, arms and neck.

Are you a sloucher?

That means the muscles in the front of the body need to be stretched. They are most often the culprit that causes poor posture and upper back pain and muscle spasm!

The muscles and soft tissues in the front of your body have shortened and pull you into slouching posture.  They need to be lengthened.

At the same time, the muscles in the back of your body need to be strengthened.  Part of the reason they’re complaining is because they’ve become weak.

If you can give your body movement, nutrition, stretching and strengthening in the right directions and good posture you can get rid of the muscle knots in your shoulders naturally.

The directions that you need are in this natural, self help, easy-to-use, do-it-yourself program:   Knots In Your Back Gone!

Click the link for more information.


Getting Rid of Knots in Your Upper Back

Muscle knots in upper back
You can get rid of miserable muscle ‘knots’ in your upper back naturally!

Can you get rid of the muscle “knots” in your upper back that are causing you pain naturally?  You sure can.

All you need to do is figure out exactly why you have those miserable muscle spasms.  I’ll help you.

Here are two of the most common causes of muscle knots in your back.

Knot #1.  Muscle strain.  This can be caused by Continue reading Getting Rid of Knots in Your Upper Back
