Tag Archives: lower back pain natural relief

Lower Back Pain and Massage Therapy

Got pain in your lower back?  Want to know how to get rid of it? |

Therapeutic massage could be the ‘magic pill’ that you are seeking to get rid of that low back pain!

Here’s why your lower back aches:

There are muscles on the front and back sides of your body and on the outer sides of your spine.  If any of those muscles get out of balance–some tight and some weaker–you can have lower back pain.

Those muscle can get out of balance from lifting with a rounded back, twisting and tilting while lifting, having a leg length difference, or something as simple as always sitting or sleeping in the same position.

How can a massage therapist help?

If you go to a massage therapist who only rubs your back, that Continue reading Lower Back Pain and Massage Therapy


A True Story Of Natural Low Back Pain Relief

Lori was on the verge of having surgery for the pain in her lower back.  Her neighbor insisted that she see me first.  I’m a neuromuscular massage therapist and specialize in pain relief.

Bodies are really smart.  They get pain for reasons.  Usually the reasons involve muscles.  And that’s good news!

Because muscles can be treated. 🙂

According to one researcher, muscles are probably responsible for 90% of our pain.


Back to my story about Lori and the pain in her lower back:

Even though Continue reading A True Story Of Natural Low Back Pain Relief


Simple Way To Relieve Lower Back Pain – Part Two

Lower back pain?  Last time we talked about a simple method to relieve your low back pain.  Here’s Part Two.

The last lower back pain relief article ( <–click here to read) said to lay on the floor with your legs at 90 degree angles at the hip and knee. Both calves were supported on a chair seat or similar piece of furniture.

Please click on the link and read everything before you go on. Thank you!

Here is the Continue reading Simple Way To Relieve Lower Back Pain – Part Two


Simple Way To Relax Your Lower Back

When your lower back hurts, it might just feel like a little muscle strain or you may have much more uncomfortable pain than that.

Whether it hurts a little or a lot, here’s a simple way to relax the muscles in your lower back:

Note:  Please read everything before you try this.

It involves getting down on the floor.  Do this only if you are certain that you can get back up, feeling as you feel now. Or, make sure Continue reading Simple Way To Relax Your Lower Back


How Do Muscles Cause Lower Back Pain And How Can You Fix Them

Injury and muscle imbalances are the two most common causes of lower back pain. Muscle imbalances can cause you to have poor posture.  Poor posture is also called “forward head posture” and “collapsing posture.”  This causes pain.

Poor posture includes incorrect positioning of the pelvic bones and either too much or too little curvature in the spine. This causes increased wear and tear on your joints, muscles, ligaments and your spinal discs.  This happens because muscles move bones.

NOTE:  If you have loss of bowel or bladder control with your low back pain that can mean a medical emergency, so get to the Emergency Room in a hospital as quickly as possible.

What are the most common lower back pain treatments?

The most common treatment by doctors and Continue reading How Do Muscles Cause Lower Back Pain And How Can You Fix Them


You Can Get Rid Of Lower Back Pain By Walking

Walking is wonderful medicine.  It is all natural and, in fact, you were built to walk!

Walking can help you be happier, healthier and stronger. It has a TON of health benefits! And it can help you reduce or totally get rid of your lower back pain and anxiety and stress.

You see, you were built to move. We all were. Movement reduces stress. Not moving lets stressful feelings grow.

Movement keeps muscles and joints working well. Not moving helps create muscle and joint pain.

And walking is one of the most natural, simple and easy ways for you to start moving. It’s one of the least expensive, too. If you have two feet and a comfortable pair of shoes, you’re most of the way there.

I remember when I worked in an office all day. Lots of folks think that would be a pretty cushy job. But sitting all day is hard work! Your body isn’t moving. Muscle stress builds and so does mental stress.

By the time I got home, I didn’t feel so well. Tight back and shoulders. Tense.

Is that you?  Are you stuck in a seated position most of the day?  And now Continue reading You Can Get Rid Of Lower Back Pain By Walking
