Tag Archives: muscle knots upper back

Let’s Get Rid Of The Knots In Your Upper Back

You are not stuck with those miserable knots in your shoulders.  You can get rid of them naturally but you have to take action.  Discover how now:

Get rid of muscles knots in your upper back naturally!
Get rid of muscles knots in your upper back naturally!

Actually, taking action is the key to unlocking most of the pain and dysfunction that people suffer from. 

  • First, find the cause of your knots.  It’s often not where you hurt.
  • Second, take action!  There are things that you did to create your muscle knots.  There are steps you will have to take to get rid of them.

Muscle ‘knots’ form when muscles are in spasm or contraction.  There are basically two things you may be doing that started the whole knot process.

1.  Maybe you hold the upper back/shoulder blade area tightly.  This happens when you are carrying something or even when you do a repetitive motion that uses those muscles.  The muscles get used to being contracted and short and so they stay that way.  At least temporarily.

That’s the easiest type of muscle knot to get rid of.

Tennis ball therapy usually will work quite well for these knots.  (Place the ball behind the knot and lean onto it.)

2.  Or, your upper back and shoulder blade muscles are in spasm because Continue reading Let’s Get Rid Of The Knots In Your Upper Back
