Tag Archives: natural back pain remedy

Massage For Achey Back – Natural Pain Relief?

Does massage get rid of back pain?  A study in the Annals of Internal Medicine said it can.  (And that is no surprise to me!)

The study compared patients in three groups:

1.  Conventional medical treatment of medicine and exercises
2.  Structural massage (deeper pressure)
3.  Swedish massage (more gentle form of massage)

Guess who won?  🙂

1.  4% improvement in back pain for Continue reading Massage For Achey Back – Natural Pain Relief?


What Keeps Back Pain From Going Away

If your back pain won’t go away and stay away, maybe it just can’t.

Here are several possible reasons:

1.  Muscle memory.  You might be able to relax or release the muscles just enough so your pain lessens but it comes back because your muscles “remember” that they are supposed to be in spasm.  You can change this.

2.  Old age.  You may think that you cannot get better because you are “getting old.”  You are most likely wrong.

3.  Trigger points.  Muscles elsewhere or other soft tissues (not bones) have developed trigger points that are “firing” into Continue reading What Keeps Back Pain From Going Away
