Tag Archives: surgery for low back pain

A True Story Of Natural Low Back Pain Relief

Lori was on the verge of having surgery for the pain in her lower back.  Her neighbor insisted that she see me first.  I’m a neuromuscular massage therapist and specialize in pain relief.

Bodies are really smart.  They get pain for reasons.  Usually the reasons involve muscles.  And that’s good news!

Because muscles can be treated. 🙂

According to one researcher, muscles are probably responsible for 90% of our pain.


Back to my story about Lori and the pain in her lower back:

Even though Continue reading A True Story Of Natural Low Back Pain Relief


Surgery For Low Back Pain Caused By Leg Length Differences

Most people don’t know when they have a leg length difference but they DO know when they have pain in their low back!

Surgery for lower back pain is not offered nearly as much as it used to be.  The reason is because it so often did not help; many patients still had the same pain afterward.

Bill had surgery and still had the same pain after he healed. Years later, he ended up coming to have therapeutic massage and was surprised when I pressed on certain muscles near his waist.  They were tight!

Helping those muscles to relax got rid of a lot of his lower back pain.  But that wasn’t all.

The pain would have come back in short order unless we figured out what was causing the pain.

In Bill’s case, he had a difference in the lengths of his legs.  One was almost 2″ shorter than the other!

When you are walking around on legs that have that much difference (or even much less) you will certainly Continue reading Surgery For Low Back Pain Caused By Leg Length Differences
