Tag Archives: why muscles have pain

Minerals Get Rid Of Muscle Pain In Your Back

Research shows that when you lack certain minerals your muscles get unhappy.  When your muscles are ‘unhappy’ they complain by giving you back pain.   Your muscles don’t function as well as they could if you have mineral deficiencies.

You only need very small amounts of minerals to make a big difference in your health.

Magnesium, potassium, calcium and, for some people, iron are the minerals that help muscles function their best.

What’s the best way to get these minerals?

Eating a very healthy diet (not the conventional American diet with lots of highly processed foods) is a good start.  Dark green veggies, nuts and seeds, and other real foods have minerals and vitamins, too.

Processed foods may not provide you with what your muscles need and some of the ingredients actually steal the minerals you do have in your body!  (Yellow #5, I’m looking at you.  It has several different names.)

An additional way to Continue reading Minerals Get Rid Of Muscle Pain In Your Back
