Tag Archives: pain relief coach

How To Relax Your Neck Muscles And Get Rid Of Neck Pain

What causes pain in your neck?  Most often the cause is muscles.

Unless you had a traumatic accident which shifted your neck bones, muscles are generally to blame.  Even if the pain is caused by pressure on nerves, muscles are still the bad guy.  Muscles caused the pressure on the nerves to start in the first place.

Here are some ways to relax those neck muscles and take pressure off the nerves.

1.  Ice massage.  Use ice to massage the muscles in front on the sides and in back of your neck.  Also do the base of your skull and the top of your breastbone.  Go to http://SimplePainRelief.com and look for the Category for Ice and Heat.

2.  Do subtle, gentle movements.  Don’t try to force movement in your neck.  Rather, Continue reading How To Relax Your Neck Muscles And Get Rid Of Neck Pain


Get The Natural Curves Back In Your Spine And Reduce Neck And Back Pain

If you have lost the natural curves in your spine there is a good chance that you suffer from neck and back pain.

When you were born you were curled into a rounded-back position.   In a little while you began to stretch your arms and legs and rolled over and arched your back in the opposite direction of that birth position.  You pushed up with your arms and lifted your head.


You were getting the muscles around your spine and torso ready to walk!  You were creating the natural curves in your back that you needed.

So now you have back or neck pain but bodies heal all the time.

It’s important for you to know this.  Bodies (to read the rest of this article click this link–>) http://simplepainrelief.com/2010/01/08/how-to-get-the-natural-curves-back-in-your-spine-to-improve-posture-and-reduce-neck-and-back-pain/


What Causes Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine.  It may be from front to back or from side to side.  There are several causes and the most common cause is muscles pulling on your bones.

Here are some of the most common causes:

If muscles get tight in a certain area they will pull on the bones they are attached to.  It’s similar to a bow and arrow action.  That’s cause number one.

Cause number two of scoliosis is a shortened Continue reading What Causes Scoliosis?


Scoliosis Causes Upper Back Pain

Scoliosis or curvature of the spine can cause upper back pain.  It can also cause pain in your mid-back and other parts of your body.  But, you may not have to have it!

Scoliosis can very often be helped by a muscle specialist.  But there are different types of practitioners.

Is your therapist a doctor? Massage therapist? Physio- or physical therapist?  Different therapists have different training (or lack of) and different ideas.  They may or may not agree with what I say.  They may or may not know much about muscles!

Scoliosis can have a few different causes but Continue reading Scoliosis Causes Upper Back Pain


You Can Get Rid Of Lower Back Pain By Walking

Walking is wonderful medicine.  It is all natural and, in fact, you were built to walk!

Walking can help you be happier, healthier and stronger. It has a TON of health benefits! And it can help you reduce or totally get rid of your lower back pain and anxiety and stress.

You see, you were built to move. We all were. Movement reduces stress. Not moving lets stressful feelings grow.

Movement keeps muscles and joints working well. Not moving helps create muscle and joint pain.

And walking is one of the most natural, simple and easy ways for you to start moving. It’s one of the least expensive, too. If you have two feet and a comfortable pair of shoes, you’re most of the way there.

I remember when I worked in an office all day. Lots of folks think that would be a pretty cushy job. But sitting all day is hard work! Your body isn’t moving. Muscle stress builds and so does mental stress.

By the time I got home, I didn’t feel so well. Tight back and shoulders. Tense.

Is that you?  Are you stuck in a seated position most of the day?  And now Continue reading You Can Get Rid Of Lower Back Pain By Walking


Knots In Your Upper Back? What Makes Muscles Turn Into Knots?

What makes your muscles turn into knots in your upper back?  Well, they are not really “knots.”  They are a type of muscle spasm.  Here’s one example.

See this little guy?  His head is way in front of his body.  The dotted line indicates the midline of his body.  The line should be passing through the center of the top of his upper leg bones (instead of behind them.)  It should also pass closer to the opening for his ear.

This kind of posture puts a lot of strain on the muscles of the upper back.  Why?  Because your head is heavy!

Your bones are supposed to support you.  You muscles were designed to help you move.

When your heavy head is in front of your body like this, your muscles are working way too hard. Your muscles are trying to hold your head to keep it from falling even farther forward.

Over time your upper back muscles will become tighter and tighter and you will have more and more discomfort.

They become tighter because they are (1) trying to hold up your head and (2) trying to prevent damage to themselves.  That might seem like a good plan but it really doesn’t work so well.

The end result is the poor posture that you see on people who have muscles that are “too tight” in the front of their body.  Collapsing-forward posture is one of the things that turns muscles into knots.

Want to know how to correct your posture and get rid of the muscle knots in your upper back naturally and forever?  Click:  Knots In Your Back Gone!


What Causes Upper Back Pain & Natural Back Pain Relief

What causes upper back pain?  What can you do to get rid of your upper back pain naturally?  Good questions!

You have a logical body and it wants to be well.  But you have to help!  And I’d love to help you help yourself.

There are lots of articles here to help you figure out the cause of your upper back pain.  When you know the cause, the next step is to get rid of the cause!  🙂  No cause = no pain.

When you take the steps that you need to, you can get rid of your upper back pain naturally.

Here’s what I can offer to you:

There are a LOT of articles here to help you understand the reasons why you have back pain and that explain what to do to feel better.

Read them and you’ll start to understand the causes for your back pain.  You’ll start to understand what you can do yourself or what kind of therapist might be best for you.

If you’d like even more information about an easy to use and easy to understand self help program that I created for you, please click here –>  Knots In Your Back Gone!


Sciatica and Piriformis Syndrome

You probably already know that there are far fewer back surgeries performed today than there used to be.

The reason is because too many times after surgery folks still had the same pain.  It didn’t go away.  That’s because the diagnosis for the cause of the pain was incorrect.

Muscles are the most common cause for pain and they are also the most commonly overlooked or ignored cause.

So sometimes a person truly does need surgery.  But surgery should always be a last resort.  Once something is removed or fused it’s changed forever.

And if it doesn’t cure your problem it makes it harder for natural methods to succeed.  Maybe not impossible, just harder.

Probably the biggest problem with surgery for sciatica is that it’s only addressing the immediate symptom.  It’s not addressing the muscle imbalances that probably caused the problem in the first place.

When your muscles are “out of balance” you get into pain.

That’s why you didn’t have pain when you were an active child; you were using ALL of your muscles then.  And that’s why you have pain now; you aren’t using them all anymore.

You might not move much these days, right?  🙁

You see, when your muscles are out of balance they pull your spine out of the position it is supposed to be in.

Did you realize that just about everything that happens in your body has a cause?  If you fall, you get a cut or bruise or broken bone.  The reason was because you fell.  Cause and effect.

Get rid of the cause and you can change the effect.

So if you really want to get lasting relief from sciatica, the very first thing you must do is figure out which muscles are out of balance and causing your pain.  The second thing is to treat them and get them back to neutral.

I remember years ago when I was a new massage therapist.  An elderly woman came in complaining of “sciatica.”  As soon as I placed my hand on the gluteal (buttock) muscles on the side she complained about, I could Continue reading Sciatica and Piriformis Syndrome


What Causes Sciatica And What Is Sciatica, Anyway

What is the best treatment for sciatica?  And what IS sciatica, anyway?

You have a very large nerve that runs through your hip.  There is one on each side of your body.  This nerve is about the size of your finger in diameter.

When you have sciatic pain or nervy pain in your hip (buttock or gluteal muscle) or leg it’s caused by pressure on the sciatic nerve.

Nerves hate pressure!  If another part of your body–a bone or muscle–presses on your sciatic nerve it will complain by giving you nervy pain.

Disks in your spine that are “bulging” can press on the sciatic nerve.  (But what caused the disks to bulge?)

So can bone sometimes press.  And so can the muscle in your hip (butt) called the piriformis.

But why?

When the pressure comes from the piriformis muscle, it is often Continue reading What Causes Sciatica And What Is Sciatica, Anyway


What Causes Muscle Spasms In Your Shoulder

What causes “knots” or muscle spasms in your upper back and shoulder?

A knot is a contraction or spasm in the muscle.  The most common cause is over-work.  It’s not necessarily YOU doing too much work but you are overworking some of your MUSCLES.

Those muscles get protective.  To protect themselves and prevent injury or ripping, they go into a type of contraction.  There are different types of contractions.

What is a “contraction”?

Make a fist with your hand.  Your hand gets Continue reading What Causes Muscle Spasms In Your Shoulder
