Tag Archives: knot in back

How To Get Rid Of Knots In Your Upper Back

Do you have  nasty knots in your upper back?

Muscles are the problem.  Angry muscles!  Let’s see what you can do to make them happier.

First, let’s try to figure out WHY you have this knot.

Did you wake up with it or just get it today?  Or has it been bugging you for a long time?

Is it on the side of your body that gets the most use?  Is it on your dominant side?

It may be harder to get rid of a knot that you have had for a long time than one you just got today.  That’s because now there are more muscles involved–it may not be just a simple knot anymore.

If you just got the knot today think about which muscles you were using right before the knot started to bug you.  What position were you in?

Knots usually happen because (1) the muscle is being strained or over-stretched or (2) the muscle is being over-used or held in a Continue reading How To Get Rid Of Knots In Your Upper Back
