Tag Archives: natural muscle pain relief

What Causes Pain Along Your Spine?

Do you have pain or discomfort on one side of your spine?  It’s probably muscles that are tight.

There are several layers of muscle next to each side of your spine.  The largest, longest muscles are closest to the outside of your body.  The smaller, shorter ones are closest to your spine bones.

And any of them can go into spasm or contraction.

Your muscles all belong to the same union.  When one of them becomes unhappy they invite their brothers to join them in complaining.  What does this mean?  You might not have only one muscle causing your pain.

When one muscle is ‘tight’ it pulls on bones and other muscles.  One muscle in contraction can cause other muscles to also go into contraction.

Sometimes it’s a more serious problem but most often back pain is muscle-related.  (And remember:  I’m not a doctor and I’m not giving you a diagnosis.)  (But if I were and I did, I’d probably say, “It’s just muscles!”)

What helps get rid of muscle pain next to your spine?

1.  Professional Continue reading What Causes Pain Along Your Spine?
