Five Causes of Muscle Spasms In Your Upper Back and Shoulder

Muscle knots in backGot pain between your spine and shoulder blade(s)?

Got painful muscle spasms in the back of your shoulder? 

Got “knots” in your upper back on one or both sides?

Below you’ll find five possible causes for your back pain:

Pssst:  Your body is trying to tell you something.  It’s complaining!

When you get “knots” or muscle spasms in your upper back, that’s one of the ways your body says, “Hey, pay attention!  I’m not happy!

Knots in your back muscles are symptoms that there’s an issue somewhere—a cause.  Our goal is to get rid of the cause.

There are common causes of one-sided upper back pain between your shoulder blade and spine and we’re going to talk about them right here.

When you discover the causes of your upper back pain, you’ll be on the road to be rid of your painful knots naturally!

You’ll learn how to get rid of those nasty muscle knots forever in a bit.

So, what causes one or more muscle knots in your back?

1.  Thyroid issues and mineral deficiencies.  Thyroid or other immune system dysfunctions can  cause a tendency to get muscle spasms (knots.)  You’ll probably need to work with your doctor if you have this diagnosis.

Mineral deficiencies can cause muscles to be unhappy.  Magnesium makes muscles happier.  Muscles also like calcium and potassium to function properly.

2.  Posture. If you have a “forward head” posture or rounded shoulders the muscles in your upper back get stretched and strained and complain.  They go into spasms or “knots” to try to protect themselves.  This is a really common cause!

Slouching or even straining to see the computer screen can be a cause of muscle strain and knots in your upper back.  Adjusting your chair, table and screen heights can help.

3.  Weak back muscles. If your back muscles are weak, the stronger, shorter muscles in the front of your body will pull you forward.  This can be a cause OR a result of poor posture.  It strains your back muscles and causes muscle knots in your back muscles.  The goal is to get a strong back side (excepts calves.)

4.  Holding an area of your back in contraction (shortened) for a long time.  Do you tend to hold your elbow behind the midline of the side of your body?  Muscles that are held in just one position for a long period of time  think they are supposed to be in that position all the time.

You get lopsided.  And, you get knots.

5.  Tilting or rotating. This can be due to habits if you always stand or sit in the same off-balance position.  It can be caused by such things as stretching to keep your hand on a mouse or leaning to one side a lot.

Perhaps you lean on the armrest of your chair, couch or in your car?  Or, always cross the same leg over the other leg?

Scoliosis (curvature of the spine) can also have tilts and rotations.  It might be primary (the way you were born) or secondary (from habits.)  Scoliosis can sometimes be corrected naturally, by the way.

Now you know the possible causes of those nasty knots in your upper back.  If you get rid of the causes, you’ll be rid of the muscle knots.

I’d love to help you do that.   🙂

If it’s okay with you, I’d like to invite you to discover an easy online self-help course that I designed just for you!  Knots In Your Back Gone!

Knots In Your Back has all of the information you need to get rid of the gnawing pain between your shoulder blades and spine from a trusted, reliable source (me!) in just one place.

You won’t have to search the Internet trying to figure out what’s actually helpful and true and what’s not.

I’ve done all the research for you, taken all the advanced training, and have over thirty years of experience helping people get out of physical pain.

I’ve gotten rid of the miserable knots in my own upper back, too, naturally and forever!

I know how you feel because I’ve been there.  And I’ve been helping people get rid of those miserable knots in their upper back and other pain for over thirty years!  That’s a lot of years and a lot of bodies.

I’d love it if you go look and see if it sounds interesting to you. Please click >>>   Knots In Your Back Gone!


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